Several teams are in Japan and some are on their way to further assess the situation; a food safety assessment team is on its way to provide advice and assistance on sampling and analysis.
Four reactors are still spewing radiation and are still in critical condition:
1,2,3 and 4 are still having serious problems:
Unit 1:
Light has been restored and thus have recovered some instrumentation. Fresh water is being pumped into the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) instead of sea water.
Unit 2: Seawater injection into RPV
Unit 3: Fresh water into the RPV, seawater pumped onto the spent fuel pool. Also, workers sprayed the outside of the building.
Unit 4: Concerns remain focused on the spent fuel, seawater being pumped.
RPV pumping of water suggest some damage to the cores and vessels.
Also, there has been sea water samples taken 30 km away and found high level of I-131 and Cs-137 and the radiation particles will travel with the currents and will undoubtably reach other shores.
A blog interested in the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.
that's scary.. radiation particles reaching 30km away already? hope they had all this figured out already, that way no other people suffers from this. thanks