
A blog interested in the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.  

The Lede: Latest Updates on the Uprising in Libya By Robert Mackey

Here is my comment on The Lede. The message is clear people can be oppressed so much before they will take to the streets to fight for their rights. The Libyans waited until there was a 30% percent unemployment. Where is the breaking point at which populations revolt is a guess the 1% who own 95% of the wealth would like to know so that they can keep stealing the savings of their employees to stay in power and to support their lavish lifestyles without prompting popular movements.

But it is nice to know that people will eventually over throw abusive governments.
The revolutions in northern Africa and the Middle East are giving hopes to all workers and people because they show that unity brings real changes. But it also raises the question: why do Americans show more compassion for the protesters who have been killed than for the hundred of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis, Palestinians and Lebanese, the US military, the  coalition forces and the Israeli Army have killed?
We praise the courage of the many who still take to the streets when they are met with gases, bullets, and helicopters gunning them down.

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