
A blog interested in the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.  

Thoughts on the Arizona shooting

It should be a wake up call to the rest of the world of the Extreme political Right and its rising power in the US. We know from experience that we must stop the development of such movement. Also, it should alarm US citizens that fascists are among them armed and since the fasco-terrorists associate themselves with the politics of the"Tea Party -ers" , we must consider the "Tea Party-ers" a dangerous group.

We are all in shock by the horror.

Also see Dr. Krugman's paper in the NY Times. Although contrary to him I believe that hate talk is not the only reason we see in house terrorism and certainly it would be an error to criminalize such rhetoric because it is easier to know who the "enemy" is when the "enemy" is loud. 

Also, I am against gun control because sometimes a call to arm is necessary. If in Germany anyone who was Jewish had been armed, then Jews could have defended themselves and the outcome could have been changed. And although I am for peace and non-violence I am not for turning the other cheek. It is necessary for people to defend themselves in the face of  disturbed enemies like Hitler, Mussolini or Pétain. 

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