A blog interested in the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.
Firm linked to U.S. meningitis outbreak recalls all drugs | Reuters
Firm linked to U.S. meningitis outbreak recalls all drugs | Reuters: Reuters) - "Ameridose, the sister company to the U.S. pharmacy linked to a national outbreak of meningitis that has killed 28 people, on Wednesday announced it was recalling all its products, in a move to cooperate with U.S. and state regulators."
Who is in prison?
Who is in prison?
Most New York City, Jersey fuel stations without power, gas | Reuters
Most New York City, Jersey fuel stations without power, gas | Reuters: (Reuters) - "More than half of all service stations in the New York City area and New Jersey were shut on Wednesday due to power outages and depleted fuel supplies, frustrating attempts to restore normal life in the wake of powerful storm Sandy, industry officials said."
NRC: Exelon nuclear plant on 'alert' after Sandy storm surge - chicagotribune.com
NRC: Exelon nuclear plant on 'alert' after Sandy storm surge - chicagotribune.com:
Not one but several nuclear power plants experienced problems:
"Constellation Energy Nuclear Group's 630-MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear power reactor in upstate New York did shut down due to a problem putting power onto the grid, although it was not clear whether the trouble was related to the storm, the NRC spokesman said."
"The relatively small 636-megawatt Oyster Creek plant also experienced a "power disruption" at its switch yard, causing two backup diesel generators to kick in and maintain a stable source of power, Exelon said."
"Tillman said another Exelon reactor at the Limerick facility in Pennsylvania was reduced to 91 percent power after Sandy caused a problem with the condenser."
Not one but several nuclear power plants experienced problems:
"Constellation Energy Nuclear Group's 630-MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear power reactor in upstate New York did shut down due to a problem putting power onto the grid, although it was not clear whether the trouble was related to the storm, the NRC spokesman said."
"The relatively small 636-megawatt Oyster Creek plant also experienced a "power disruption" at its switch yard, causing two backup diesel generators to kick in and maintain a stable source of power, Exelon said."
"Tillman said another Exelon reactor at the Limerick facility in Pennsylvania was reduced to 91 percent power after Sandy caused a problem with the condenser."
NRC: Exelon nuclear plant on 'alert' after Sandy storm surge - chicagotribune.com
NRC: Exelon nuclear plant on 'alert' after Sandy storm surge - chicagotribune.com: "Fire suppression system may need to be used to cool spent rods if water rises further at Oyster Creek"
Tracking Storm Sandy | Page 45 | Liveblog live blogging | Reuters.com
Tracking Storm Sandy | Page 45 | Liveblog live blogging | Reuters.com: "Exelon declared an "alert" at its New Jersey Oyster Creek nuclear power plant due to a record storm surge."
Two days ago this blog suggested that all power plants along the East coast shut down. You do not need a scientist to know it was the safest course of action. (my comment)
Two days ago this blog suggested that all power plants along the East coast shut down. You do not need a scientist to know it was the safest course of action. (my comment)
Trace Fukushima radiation found in Northwest albacore tuna | Local News | The Seattle Times
Trace Fukushima radiation found in Northwest albacore tuna | Local News | The Seattle Times: "Researchers have found tiny amounts of radioactive cesium in albacore caught off Washington and Oregon. The radiation, originating from the 2011 tsunami in Japan, is thought to pose no public-health risk, but it is allowing scientists to track the migratory patterns of tuna for the first time."
Wether it is a tiny amount, I personally stopped eating Tuna and salmon; and then after reading about the dead zones in the Atlantic coast of the US, and the BP oil disaster and chemicals used to break down the oil in the gulf, I no longer eat seafood. (my comment)
Wether it is a tiny amount, I personally stopped eating Tuna and salmon; and then after reading about the dead zones in the Atlantic coast of the US, and the BP oil disaster and chemicals used to break down the oil in the gulf, I no longer eat seafood. (my comment)
Sandy's winds could cause up to $3 billion damage, FEMA estimates – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
Sandy's winds could cause up to $3 billion damage, FEMA estimates – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs: [Update 5:15 p.m. ET] "The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it will have on-site inspectors at all nuclear power stations that could be affected by Hurricane Sandy. The inspectors will be in place ahead of the storm and will stay at the power plants until the event is over.
No power station has been taken offline at this point, but each station has protocols and procedures for going offline, NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said."
Go the extra step, shut them down until the storm passes by. (my comment)
No power station has been taken offline at this point, but each station has protocols and procedures for going offline, NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said."
Go the extra step, shut them down until the storm passes by. (my comment)
Racial prejudice in US worsened during Obama's first term, study shows | World news | guardian.co.uk
Racial prejudice in US worsened during Obama's first term, study shows | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Number of Americans with implicit anti-black sentiments jumped to 56%, up from 49% during the last presidential election"
I believe it is linked to more vocal and visible radical christians who have been behind anti-immigrants legislation. Obama has also promoted racism. Every time Obama authorizes a drone strike on a village in Yemen, Pakistan or Afghanistan- which inevitably results in civilian deaths- he is promoting hate of all darker skin, middle eastern people. The soldiers who maneuver the drones and push the buttons to strike must hate the people they murder otherwise they would not be able to kill. And since the soldiers do not know the individuals they bomb, they must think that all "these people with brown skins" as evil and refer to them as "sand niggers', as I heard someone screaming from a truck at anti war protesters. But also the public who accepts the strikes, the perpetual waring and aggression of the US on foreign countries must have the same hate otherwise we would all be on street and striking to end such violence and war crimes. I predict that once the wars end prejudice and racism will go down. (My comment)
I believe it is linked to more vocal and visible radical christians who have been behind anti-immigrants legislation. Obama has also promoted racism. Every time Obama authorizes a drone strike on a village in Yemen, Pakistan or Afghanistan- which inevitably results in civilian deaths- he is promoting hate of all darker skin, middle eastern people. The soldiers who maneuver the drones and push the buttons to strike must hate the people they murder otherwise they would not be able to kill. And since the soldiers do not know the individuals they bomb, they must think that all "these people with brown skins" as evil and refer to them as "sand niggers', as I heard someone screaming from a truck at anti war protesters. But also the public who accepts the strikes, the perpetual waring and aggression of the US on foreign countries must have the same hate otherwise we would all be on street and striking to end such violence and war crimes. I predict that once the wars end prejudice and racism will go down. (My comment)
Imran Khan detained and 'interrogated over drone views' by US immigration | World news | guardian.co.uk
Imran Khan detained and 'interrogated over drone views' by US immigration | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Former cricket captain turned politician detained on flight from Canada to New York to be questioned over his views on jihad"
This detention is immoral and violates human rights and freedom of speech. (my comment0
This detention is immoral and violates human rights and freedom of speech. (my comment0
South African miners protest turns violent | Video | Reuters.com
South African miners protest turns violent | Video | Reuters.com
Why is the police always on the side of the exploiters and the oppressors?
Why is the police always on the side of the exploiters and the oppressors?
Gadgets add complexity to brutal bank layoffs | Reuters
Gadgets add complexity to brutal bank layoffs | Reuters: (Reuters) - "In the high-tech, gadget-addicted world of investment banking, layoffs are becoming more complex and brutal as firms try to stop sensitive data leaving with employees."
Super storm Sandy regains hurricane strength | Reuters
Super storm Sandy regains hurricane strength | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Tropical cyclone Sandy revved back up to hurricane strength on Saturday as it churned toward the U.S. northeast coast where it threatens to become one of the worst storms in decades."
There are many nuclear power plants all along the East coast and we are told electricity is likely to be affected, and because of the angle of Sandy, there is likely going to be a lot of water coming along with it. Will the generators be drowned? The nuclear safety agency, the NRC, should shut them down. (My comment). See map of Nuclear power plants location:
Source: Wikipedia
There are many nuclear power plants all along the East coast and we are told electricity is likely to be affected, and because of the angle of Sandy, there is likely going to be a lot of water coming along with it. Will the generators be drowned? The nuclear safety agency, the NRC, should shut them down. (My comment). See map of Nuclear power plants location:
Source: Wikipedia
Julian Assange: I may leave embassy if US government ends standoff | Media | guardian.co.uk
Julian Assange: I may leave embassy if US government ends standoff | Media | guardian.co.uk: "WikiLeaks founder tells CNN he could leave Ecuadorean compound in London if 'immoral investigation' is dropped"
Journalism in the Obama age shows the real media bias | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Journalism in the Obama age shows the real media bias | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk: "A new Rolling Stone interview with the president shows subservience to power, not partisan favor, is what drives the press corps"
UN to investigate civilian deaths from US drone strikes | World news | guardian.co.uk
UN to investigate civilian deaths from US drone strikes | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Special rapporteur on counter-terror operations condemns Barack Obama's failure to establish effective monitoring process"
U.S. probes deaths for links to Monster energy drink | Reuters
U.S. probes deaths for links to Monster energy drink | Reuters: (Reuters) - "The Food and Drug Administration said on Monday that it was investigating reports of five deaths that may be associated with Monster Beverage Corp's namesake energy drink, and the company's shares fell more than 14 percent."
Mitt Romney still struggling to convince Pennsylvania's female voters | World news | guardian.co.uk
Mitt Romney still struggling to convince Pennsylvania's female voters | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Obama's lead has grown smaller in the Democratic-leaning state but women say they are unimpressed by Romney at debates"
No woman could possibly vote for that guy. (My comment)
No woman could possibly vote for that guy. (My comment)
Product Safety Information > Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals
Product Safety Information > Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals
And then we wonder why boys and girls hit puberty earlier.
And then we wonder why boys and girls hit puberty earlier.
Boys reaching puberty earlier, says study | Science | The Observer
Boys reaching puberty earlier, says study | Science | The Observer: "New report by the American Academy of Paediatrics shows that boys as young as nine are showing signs of maturity"
It is likely the result of hormones contaminated food and likely from meat. Here is a good article http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=food-additives-mimic-hormones and here are some facts from Cornell University http://envirocancer.cornell.edu/factsheet/diet/fs37.hormones.cfm
It is likely the result of hormones contaminated food and likely from meat. Here is a good article http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=food-additives-mimic-hormones and here are some facts from Cornell University http://envirocancer.cornell.edu/factsheet/diet/fs37.hormones.cfm
Gaza-bound ship Estelle intercepted by Israeli forces | World news | guardian.co.uk
Gaza-bound ship Estelle intercepted by Israeli forces | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Israeli marines board the Estelle and direct it to port of Ashdod as 30 activists on board attempt to break Gaza blockade"
Karl Rove's Crossroads groups lead in U.S. outside spending race | Reuters
Karl Rove's Crossroads groups lead in U.S. outside spending race | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Two groups formed by influential Republican operative Karl Rove spent more on television and radio ads in the presidential race than any other "super PAC" or advocacy group in recent weeks, blanketing airwaves in advance of the November 6 election."
This is so gross.
This is so gross.
BBC News - South Africa Gold Fields workers 'end strike'
BBC News - South Africa Gold Fields workers 'end strike': "Gold Fields said that only 1,500 miners did not return for work on Thursday and so have lost their jobs."
Check Wikipedia on Gold Fields http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Fields Telling (my comment)
Check Wikipedia on Gold Fields http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Fields Telling (my comment)
BBC News - EU summit: France says bank deal helps eurozone fusion
BBC News - EU summit: France says bank deal helps eurozone fusion: "The French president says a deal to start building a banking union on 1 January will enable the eurozone to speed up economic integration."
Since I moved to the US, 30 years ago, I heard over and over again how the European Community would fail; even recently the media were full of articles dooming the Eurozone, but with the creation of a single banking union, the bonds between European countries are strengthening to prove them wrong. Europeans know the Eurozone is the only way European countries can compete against the giants, because as we all know it big fish eat little fish. (my comments)
Since I moved to the US, 30 years ago, I heard over and over again how the European Community would fail; even recently the media were full of articles dooming the Eurozone, but with the creation of a single banking union, the bonds between European countries are strengthening to prove them wrong. Europeans know the Eurozone is the only way European countries can compete against the giants, because as we all know it big fish eat little fish. (my comments)
BBC News - Indian rickshaw-puller forced to take baby to work
BBC News - Indian rickshaw-puller forced to take baby to work: "Offers of help have been coming into BBC Hindi after it reported that an Indian rickshaw-puller is carrying his month-old daughter in a cloth sling around his neck after his wife died."
BBC News - EU summit: Compromise deal on eurozone bank supervisor
BBC News - EU summit: Compromise deal on eurozone bank supervisor: "EU leaders have agreed to set up a single eurozone banking supervisor - a major step towards a banking union."
Exclusive: Och-Ziff hedge fund looks to exit landlord business | Reuters
Exclusive: Och-Ziff hedge fund looks to exit landlord business | Reuters: (Reuters) - "One of the first big hedge funds to try to profit from a rebound in the U.S. housing market by investing in foreclosed homes is looking to cash out, even as other institutional investors are still getting in."
CDC says death toll rises to 20 in meningitis outbreak | Reuters
CDC says death toll rises to 20 in meningitis outbreak | Reuters: (Reuters) - "The number of deaths from fungal meningitis linked to potentially contaminated steroid injections has risen to 20 and the outbreak has reached a 16th state, New York, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday."
Goldman Sachs gives its version of angry employee's departure | Reuters
Goldman Sachs gives its version of angry employee's departure | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Just days before publication of a book promising to expose a rampant culture of greed at Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), the Wall Street company is writing its own story about the book's author."
Google results, filed by mistake, miss; shares dive | Reuters
Google results, filed by mistake, miss; shares dive | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Google Inc inadvertently released its draft quarterly results hours ahead of schedule, significantly missing expectations on both revenue and earnings and wiping 9 percent off the market value of the Internet search and advertising leader."
New York mayor sets up Super Pac to support issues including gun control | World news | guardian.co.uk
New York mayor sets up Super Pac to support issues including gun control | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Michael Bloomberg pledges $15m of own money in plan to back candidates who are willing to tackle tough political topics"
Super pacs are so wrong, so, so wrong. (My comments)
Super pacs are so wrong, so, so wrong. (My comments)
Alleged 9/11 mastermind: America killed more people than hijackers did | Reuters
Alleged 9/11 mastermind: America killed more people than hijackers did | Reuters: (Reuters) - - "{The alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks told the Guantanamo courtroom on Wednesday that the U.S. government had killed many more people in the name of national security than he is accused of killing."
ACLU sues Morgan Stanley for bias in mortgage business | Reuters
ACLU sues Morgan Stanley for bias in mortgage business | Reuters: (Reuters) - "The American Civil Liberties Union sued Morgan Stanley on Monday, alleging racial discrimination over packaging subprime mortgage loans into securities."
Citigroup's margins rise, results beat expectations | Reuters
Citigroup's margins rise, results beat expectations | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Citigroup Inc made more money from trading in the third quarter, and its lending profitability rose, surprising investors and lifting the bank's shares 4.5 percent."
Japan's Softbank to buy 70 percent of Sprint for $20.1 billion | Reuters
Japan's Softbank to buy 70 percent of Sprint for $20.1 billion | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Japanese mobile operator Softbank Corp said it will buy about 70 percent of Sprint Nextel Corp, the third-largest U.S. carrier, for $20.1 billion - the most a Japanese firm has spent on an overseas acquisition."
Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner tells IMF US still has work to do | World news | guardian.co.uk
Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner tells IMF US still has work to do | World news | guardian.co.uk: "A day after the US announces budget shortfall of more than $1tn, treasury secretary talks of need for balanced fiscal plan"
CDC says one new death from meningitis; number of cases at 197 | Reuters
CDC says one new death from meningitis; number of cases at 197 | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Another person has died from fungal meningitis linked to possibly tainted vials of a steroid medication, bringing the death toll in an unprecedented outbreak to 15, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday."
Who is going to jail?
Who is going to jail?
Analysis: Brazil's Vale's challenges go beyond iron ore | Reuters
Analysis: Brazil's Vale's challenges go beyond iron ore | Reuters: Reuters) - "Roger Agnelli, who was forced out as chief executive of Brazil's Vale in May 2011, may have been lucky to leave the world's second-largest mining company when he did."
Turkey says Syrian plane carried Russian munitions | Reuters
Turkey says Syrian plane carried Russian munitions | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday a Syrian passenger plane forced to land in Ankara was carrying Russian-made munitions destined for Syria's armed forces, ratcheting up tension with his country's war-torn neighbor."
Meningitis outbreak widens amid demands for criminal probe | Reuters
Meningitis outbreak widens amid demands for criminal probe | Reuters: (Reuters) - "The pharmacy at the center of a deadly meningitis outbreak possibly linked to tainted steroid injections faced mounting federal and state scrutiny on Thursday, including a potential criminal probe, as the national death toll climbed to 14."
US sends troops to Jordan to help deal with Syria crisis | World news | guardian.co.uk
US sends troops to Jordan to help deal with Syria crisis | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Leon Panetta confirms Pentagon has sent team to bolster Jordan's military capabilities and help deal with refugees"
There is a sniff of another military engagement in the middle east; this would reboot the president's collapsing popularity, because invading a country just before election day shows that the US and its president are tough, and conflicts led by the US revive the patriotic sentiment of its citizens, indoctrinated since their conception, which returns them to the ranks. (My comment)
There is a sniff of another military engagement in the middle east; this would reboot the president's collapsing popularity, because invading a country just before election day shows that the US and its president are tough, and conflicts led by the US revive the patriotic sentiment of its citizens, indoctrinated since their conception, which returns them to the ranks. (My comment)
Anti-European tide sets Britain's ruling party against Brussels | Reuters
Anti-European tide sets Britain's ruling party against Brussels | Reuters: "Europe has never been popular among British Conservatives.
There is a tradition of resentment of Brussels, dating back to the era of Margaret Thatcher, who demanded and secured a rebate from the EU budget for Britain in the 1980s. Back in 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle accused Britain of a 'deep-seated hostility' towards the European project." (My selection)
And there has been a currency war lead by the US against the Euro and most Americans including the very liberal have a dislike of the European Union and wish its failure. The US led currency war is lowering the dollar value at a huge expense to its citizens who pay the bills and the brunt of the taxes: See "Currency war warnings follows US Fed's "quantitative easing" (My comment)
There is a tradition of resentment of Brussels, dating back to the era of Margaret Thatcher, who demanded and secured a rebate from the EU budget for Britain in the 1980s. Back in 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle accused Britain of a 'deep-seated hostility' towards the European project." (My selection)
And there has been a currency war lead by the US against the Euro and most Americans including the very liberal have a dislike of the European Union and wish its failure. The US led currency war is lowering the dollar value at a huge expense to its citizens who pay the bills and the brunt of the taxes: See "Currency war warnings follows US Fed's "quantitative easing" (My comment)
EADS, BAE call off world's biggest arms merger | Reuters
EADS, BAE call off world's biggest arms merger | Reuters: (Reuters) - "EADS and BAE Systems called off the world's largest defense and aviation merger on Wednesday, and sources close to the talks blamed Germany for wrecking the $45 billion deal."
Pharma Behaving Badly | Top 10 Drug Company Settlements | Healthland | TIME.com
Pharma Behaving Badly | Top 10 Drug Company Settlements | Healthland | TIME.com: "Multibillion-dollar settlements against big drug companies have become all too common in recent years. Here's a rogues gallery of the worst offenders"
Greek police clash with protesters during Merkel visit | Reuters
Greek police clash with protesters during Merkel visit | Reuters: (Reuters) - "Greek police fired teargas and stun grenades at protesters in central Athens on Tuesday when they tried to break through a barrier and reach visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel."
Iran sanctions now causing food insecurity, mass suffering | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Iran sanctions now causing food insecurity, mass suffering | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk: "Yet again, the US and its allies spread mass human misery though a policy that is as morally indefensible as it is counter-productive"
World Bank warns on China slowdown | Business | guardian.co.uk
World Bank warns on China slowdown | Business | guardian.co.uk: "International lender cuts growth forecasts for Asia Pacific region and says slowdown could worsen"
Halliburton finds lost radioactive rod in Texas | Business | guardian.co.uk
Halliburton finds lost radioactive rod in Texas | Business | guardian.co.uk: "Rod containing americium-241/beryllium had been lost a month ago during a 130-mile
journey between oil wells"
Health and Americium: "As a highly radioactive element, americium and its compounds must be handled only in an appropriate laboratory under special arrangements. Although most americium isotopes predominantly emit alpha particles which can be blocked by thin layers of common materials, many of the daughter products emit gamma-rays and neutrons which have a long penetration depth. Source: Wikipedia
journey between oil wells"
Health and Americium: "As a highly radioactive element, americium and its compounds must be handled only in an appropriate laboratory under special arrangements. Although most americium isotopes predominantly emit alpha particles which can be blocked by thin layers of common materials, many of the daughter products emit gamma-rays and neutrons which have a long penetration depth. Source: Wikipedia
Group: Ministry may have manipulated Fukushima radiation readings - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Group: Ministry may have manipulated Fukushima radiation readings - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun:
"The Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned About Internal Radiation Exposures said on Oct. 5 that its survey this year of airborne dose levels found an average 10-30 percent higher than the ministry's numbers, and in certain areas, the discrepancy was even greater." (My selection)
"The Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned About Internal Radiation Exposures said on Oct. 5 that its survey this year of airborne dose levels found an average 10-30 percent higher than the ministry's numbers, and in certain areas, the discrepancy was even greater." (My selection)
BBC News - California battle over GM labels
BBC News - California battle over GM labels: "Voters in California will decide on a proposal next month that would require the labelling of most foods made with genetically modified ingredients."
Pope's former butler sentenced to 18 months' jail | World news | guardian.co.uk
Pope's former butler sentenced to 18 months' jail | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Pope Benedict expected to pardon Paolo Gabriele after he was found guilty of stealing his private correspondence"
Legalising marijuana: most Americans get it, so when will our politicians? | Gary Johnson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Legalising marijuana: most Americans get it, so when will our politicians? | Gary Johnson | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk: "The 'war on drugs', like 1920s Prohibition, has been a miserable failure. America would be better-off with a legal marijuana trade"
Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories | World news | guardian.co.uk
Republican congressman Paul Broun dismisses evolution and other theories | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Member of House science committee says evolution, Big Bang theory and embryology are 'lies straight from the pit of hell'"
Americans join Imran Khan's march against US drone warfare in Pakistan | World news | guardian.co.uk
Americans join Imran Khan's march against US drone warfare in Pakistan | World news | guardian.co.uk: "US anti-war activists join thousands of Pakistanis in protest march to South Waziristan, despite Taliban threats"
Analysis: Big funds seek to rein in pay at Wall Street banks | Reuters
Analysis: Big funds seek to rein in pay at Wall Street banks | Reuters: (Reuters) - "The days when Wall Street banks could blithely hand out half their revenue in compensation to their staff without a murmur from shareholders have come to an end."
Platinum mine sacks 12,000 in South Africa - Africa - Al Jazeera English
Platinum mine sacks 12,000 in South Africa - Africa - Al Jazeera English: "World's top producer of metal says workers failed to show up to disciplinary hearings and have three days to appeal."
TEPCO : Press Release | Progress Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Restoration Plan (Monthly Report: September 2012)
TEPCO : Press Release | Progress Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Restoration Plan (Monthly Report: September 2012): Press Release (Oct 02,2012)
Progress Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Restoration Plan (Monthly Report: September 2012)
Based on the Restoration Plan (submitted on January 31, 2012 and revised on May 31, 2012) prepared in accordance with the Nuclear Operator Emergency Action Plan, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station is now proceeding with restoration of facilities for maintaining cold shutdown of the station. We report the restoration progress status at the end of September 2012 as shown below.

1. Progress Status of the Restoration Plan
The restoration work for Unit 1-3 is proceeding steadily. On May 17, 2012, the restoration (permanent installation) of the equipments/facilities necessary to maintain cold shutdown state has been completed for Unit 4. The internal inspection after the permanent installation of equipments/facilities has also been completed. An interim progress report was created and submitted to the government on May 31 (Previously mentioned on May 31, 2012). Source Tepco, (My selection)
This shows that Fukushima Daini was also damaged and that three units have not yet been fully restored and thus implies that the damages sustained were serious and it raises serious questions: Was radiation released and how much? Were there partial meltdowns?Why is the fuel being moved from unit 4? Why is water being purged? And where to? (My comment)
Progress Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Restoration Plan (Monthly Report: September 2012)
Based on the Restoration Plan (submitted on January 31, 2012 and revised on May 31, 2012) prepared in accordance with the Nuclear Operator Emergency Action Plan, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station is now proceeding with restoration of facilities for maintaining cold shutdown of the station. We report the restoration progress status at the end of September 2012 as shown below.
1. Progress Status of the Restoration Plan
The restoration work for Unit 1-3 is proceeding steadily. On May 17, 2012, the restoration (permanent installation) of the equipments/facilities necessary to maintain cold shutdown state has been completed for Unit 4. The internal inspection after the permanent installation of equipments/facilities has also been completed. An interim progress report was created and submitted to the government on May 31 (Previously mentioned on May 31, 2012). Source Tepco, (My selection)
This shows that Fukushima Daini was also damaged and that three units have not yet been fully restored and thus implies that the damages sustained were serious and it raises serious questions: Was radiation released and how much? Were there partial meltdowns?Why is the fuel being moved from unit 4? Why is water being purged? And where to? (My comment)
Daryl Hannah arrested in Keystone XL protest | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Daryl Hannah arrested in Keystone XL protest | Environment | guardian.co.uk: "The actor along with another woman were arrested in Texas for criminal trespassing as the pair protested against an oil pipeline"
Thumbs up to Daryl
Thumbs up to Daryl
Miner dies as South African industrial unrest continues | Business | guardian.co.uk
Miner dies as South African industrial unrest continues | Business | guardian.co.uk: "Death during clashes at Anglo American Platinum mine comes as Shell halts fuel deliveries over truckers' strike"
Spotlight on Germany as EADS, BAE inch towards deal | Reuters
Spotlight on Germany as EADS, BAE inch towards deal | Reuters: (Reuters) - "EADS and BAE Systems have edged closer towards winning political backing for a $45 billion merger to create the world's biggest arms group amid positive signals from Britain and France, but German misgivings over control is a big obstacle, sources close to the talks
info on EADS from wikipedia: "The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V. (EADS) is a global pan-European aerospace and defence corporation and a leading defence and military contractor worldwide. The group includes Airbus as the leading manufacturer of commercial aircraft, with Airbus Military covering tanker, transport and mission aircraft; Eurocopter as the world's largest helicopter supplier; Astrium, the European leader in space programmes from Ariane to Galileo; and Cassidian as a provider of comprehensive and integral systems solutions for aerial, land, naval and civilian security applications. Through Cassidian, EADS is a major partner in the Eurofighter consortium as well as a key stakeholder in the missile systems provider MBDA. In 2009, the EADS generated revenues of €42.82 billion and employed 119,500 personnel. EADS was formed on 10 July 2000 by the merger of Aérospatiale-Matra, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA), and Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). Overall, the company develops and markets civil and military aircraft, as well as communications systems, missiles, space rockets, satellites, and related systems." (My selection)
"In 2005 the Norwegian Government Pension Fund recommended the exclusion of several companies producing cluster bombs or components. EADS and its sister company EADS Finance BV were among them, arguing that EADS manufactures "key components for cluster bombs"." (My selection)
Info on BAE from wikipedia: "BAE Systems plc (LSE: BA.) is a British multinational defence, security and aerospace company headquartered in London,United Kingdom and with operations worldwide. It is among the world's largest defence contractors; it ranked as the third-largest based on applicable 2011 revenues.[3] Its largest operations are in the United Kingdom and United States, where its BAE Systems Inc. subsidiary is one of the six largest suppliers to the US Department of Defense. " (My selection)
"BAE Systems has been under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office, into the use of political corruption to help sell arms to Chile, Czech Republic, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tanzania and Qatar" (My selection)
"In September 2005 The Guardian reported that banking records showed that BAE paid £1 million to Augusto Pinochet, the former Chilean dictator." (My selection)
"BAE has in recent times been criticised for its role in the production of cluster bombs, due to the long term death/injury risks they cause to civilians; cluster bombs behave similar to land mines.[citation needed] However, after pressure campaigns from various human rights groups, BAE recently stated it no longer produces land mines or cluster bombs.[178]" (My selection)
info on EADS from wikipedia: "The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V. (EADS) is a global pan-European aerospace and defence corporation and a leading defence and military contractor worldwide. The group includes Airbus as the leading manufacturer of commercial aircraft, with Airbus Military covering tanker, transport and mission aircraft; Eurocopter as the world's largest helicopter supplier; Astrium, the European leader in space programmes from Ariane to Galileo; and Cassidian as a provider of comprehensive and integral systems solutions for aerial, land, naval and civilian security applications. Through Cassidian, EADS is a major partner in the Eurofighter consortium as well as a key stakeholder in the missile systems provider MBDA. In 2009, the EADS generated revenues of €42.82 billion and employed 119,500 personnel. EADS was formed on 10 July 2000 by the merger of Aérospatiale-Matra, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA), and Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). Overall, the company develops and markets civil and military aircraft, as well as communications systems, missiles, space rockets, satellites, and related systems." (My selection)
"On 29 February 2008, the United States Air Force awarded a $35 billion contract for aerial refueling tankers (the KC-45) to Northrop Grumman, with EADS as a major subcontractor. The contract, one of the largest created by the Department of Defense, is initially valued at $35 billion but has the potential to grow to $100 billion." (My selection)
Info on BAE from wikipedia: "BAE Systems plc (LSE: BA.) is a British multinational defence, security and aerospace company headquartered in London,United Kingdom and with operations worldwide. It is among the world's largest defence contractors; it ranked as the third-largest based on applicable 2011 revenues.[3] Its largest operations are in the United Kingdom and United States, where its BAE Systems Inc. subsidiary is one of the six largest suppliers to the US Department of Defense. " (My selection)
"BAE Systems has been under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office, into the use of political corruption to help sell arms to Chile, Czech Republic, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tanzania and Qatar" (My selection)
"In September 2005 The Guardian reported that banking records showed that BAE paid £1 million to Augusto Pinochet, the former Chilean dictator." (My selection)
"BAE has in recent times been criticised for its role in the production of cluster bombs, due to the long term death/injury risks they cause to civilians; cluster bombs behave similar to land mines.[citation needed] However, after pressure campaigns from various human rights groups, BAE recently stated it no longer produces land mines or cluster bombs.[178]" (My selection)
BBC News - Aspirin may 'slow elderly brain decline', study finds
BBC News - Aspirin may 'slow elderly brain decline', study finds: "An aspirin a day may slow brain decline in elderly women at high risk of cardiovascular disease, research finds."
Meningitis outbreak expected to spread as officials look into steroid source | Society | guardian.co.uk
Meningitis outbreak expected to spread as officials look into steroid source | Society | guardian.co.uk: "Virus has killed four and infected 26 across five states as officials investigate steroid injections as a possible cause"
Analysis: China's currency foray augurs geopolitical strains | Reuters
Analysis: China's currency foray augurs geopolitical strains | Reuters:
China will use its own currency for trade and investment.
"Displacing the dollar, Beijing says, will reduce volatility in oil and commodity prices and belatedly erode the ‘exorbitant privilege' the United States enjoys as the issuer of the reserve currency at the heart of a post-war international financial architecture it now sees as hopelessly outmoded." (My selection)
China will use its own currency for trade and investment.
"Displacing the dollar, Beijing says, will reduce volatility in oil and commodity prices and belatedly erode the ‘exorbitant privilege' the United States enjoys as the issuer of the reserve currency at the heart of a post-war international financial architecture it now sees as hopelessly outmoded." (My selection)
Romney's strong debate showing puts Europe on edge | Reuters
Romney's strong debate showing puts Europe on edge | Reuters: (Reuters) - "President Barack Obama's lackluster performance in the first U.S. election debate provoked uneasiness in European capitals on Thursday, where hopes are mostly, if unofficially, pinned on his securing a second term."
Hamas accused of routine torture of detainees in Gaza Strip | World news | guardian.co.uk
Hamas accused of routine torture of detainees in Gaza Strip | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Human Rights Watch report says three Palestinians have been executed after 'confessions' apparently obtained under coercion"
Ignoring America's poor - Inside Story: US 2012 - Al Jazeera English
Ignoring America's poor - Inside Story: US 2012 - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera forgot to mention that the richest saw their worth increase 13%, while compared with 2010 the median income in the US has gone down 1.5%. (My comment)
Al Jazeera forgot to mention that the richest saw their worth increase 13%, while compared with 2010 the median income in the US has gone down 1.5%. (My comment)
Bear Stearns accused of fraud but sceptics question target and timing | Business | guardian.co.uk
Bear Stearns accused of fraud but sceptics question target and timing | Business | guardian.co.uk: "Eric Schneiderman brings case against investment bank, now part of JP Morgan, over mortgages sold between 2005 and 2007"
US women may stage hunger strike in Pakistan in anti-drones protest | World news | guardian.co.uk
US women may stage hunger strike in Pakistan in anti-drones protest | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Code Pink activists gathered in Islamabad ready to join march led by Imran Khan into tribal region bordering Afghanistan"
BBC News - 'Hundreds of problems' at EU nuclear plants
BBC News - 'Hundreds of problems' at EU nuclear plants: "Hundreds of problems have been found at European nuclear plants that would cost 25bn euros to fix, says a leaked draft report."
BBC News - One in 10 workers has taken time off for depression
BBC News - One in 10 workers has taken time off for depression: "One in 10 workers has taken time off because of depression, a poll of 7,000 people in seven European countries has found."
"The report mirrors the results of another study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that found 20 percent of the American workforce suffers from some form of mental disorder, with depression and substance abuse being the most common, according to IndustryWeek. " Huffington Post (my selection)
"The report mirrors the results of another study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that found 20 percent of the American workforce suffers from some form of mental disorder, with depression and substance abuse being the most common, according to IndustryWeek. " Huffington Post (my selection)
BBC News - Bahrain court rejects medics' appeal
BBC News - Bahrain court rejects medics' appeal: "Bahrain's highest court has upheld the prison sentences given to nine medics for their alleged role in last year's pro-democracy protests, officials say."
Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment at record high as manufacturing slides | Business | guardian.co.uk
Eurozone crisis live: Unemployment at record high as manufacturing slides | Business | guardian.co.uk
They ask the middle class to tighten its belt, while the richest people in the world saw an increase in their revenues of 13%. (My comment)
They ask the middle class to tighten its belt, while the richest people in the world saw an increase in their revenues of 13%. (My comment)
Pussy Riot appeal hearing delayed by Russian court | World news | guardian.co.uk
Pussy Riot appeal hearing delayed by Russian court | World news | guardian.co.uk: "Case will be heard next week after Yekaterina Samutsevich rejected one of her lawyers"
Julian Assange's room at the Ecuadorean embassy: a glimpse inside | Media | The Guardian
Julian Assange's room at the Ecuadorean embassy: a glimpse inside | Media | The Guardian: "The Wikileaks founder let us see his west-London digs at the weekend. What did it reveal about his life there?"
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