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FUkushima evacuees demand compensation

And they are obviously entitled to such. They should sue TEPCO, NISA and G.E.: TEPCO for operating and owning, for profit, an aging nuclear power plant and over extending the spent fuel pools, NISA for extending a license for this monstrosity and G.E. for building it. Also, we should assume that these culprits have insurance to cover a nuclear disaster of enormous economic and health consequences. Farmers have lost their farms, people are left without employment and stuck in shelters in sub standard accommodations.  The world we hope takes notice to be better prepared for their own nuclear disaster. I think every country should follow Germany's example as suggested Greenpeace, put all nuclear power plants in shutdown; this is certainly the way to go, Obama is insane to promote an industry which produces an uncontrollable soup of radioactive isotopes and which imposes  its wastes on the rest of the world.

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