
A blog interested in the truth, however uncomfortable it might be.  

Medical Papers by Ghostwriters Pushed Therapy

It is scandalous, but not surprising. We need to regulate pharmaceutical sale technics, from software used by doctors to decide which drugs to give patients based on symptoms entered in the diagnostic software; to the companies giving doctors incentive to push their brands.

We also need the FDA to do its job and not permit the release of drugs before the drugs are tested sufficiently.

The pharmaceutical companies are responsible for millions of deaths. In 2004 in the US 7,500 deaths were due to pain killers, deaths due to prescription opiods like oxycodone, methadone and hydroxycodone.   http://www.hhs.gov/asl/testify/2007/10/t20071024a.html  In 2005 more than 12,000 deaths were due to prescription drugs and represented more deaths than deaths resulting from illegal drugs. http://www.cdc.gov/Features/PoisonPrevention/

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